Jun 20 - June 24
We like it hot.
We Blue Ourselves! Third place finishers in the Spring 2011 Kickball season (Bratwurst Division).
Rudy inspecting the garden.
A dreary day, but hey - at least you're going on a cruise!
Aleece visits Hoboken!
June 17 - June 19
Trying to get to Raleigh for Jeff and Molly's wedding. My 5 pm flight didn't take off until 9 pm. I was tired.
Jeff and Molly's first dance! Molly was a gorgeous bride. I still can't get over it.
Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
June 12 - June 16
Here begins food and scenery week.

Food: spinach, beet, and gorgonzola salad.
Scenery: tags on my way to work.
Food: my new favorite work snack. Peanut butter + a little milk + Kashi Go Lean Crunch + bananas. Yum! (Did I mention we have all the ingredients on-hand in the office kitchen?)
Scenery: now THAT's a garden. Spotted walking home, on Bloomfield I think.
Food: using up the leftover spinach and gorgonzola, and tossing in some watermelon instead of beets.
June 6 - June 11
Little marigold friends for Colin's tomato plants.
We Blue Ourselves' final game of the regular 2011 season. Hot & sweaty!
Quick dinner of gnocchi with basil from the "garden" on the fire escape. We don't take advantage of it enough, as you can see by the flower bud on the basil. You're supposed to pinch off any buds so that the basil keeps making edible leaves instead.
Papa Fink getting in some quality Rudy time.
Jeffrey Torkewitz graduates! (Note that Jeff and I are both standing on a step. He's not that tall - yet.)
Alas, he's not going to be a Gamecock. I told him he can always transfer if he changes his mind!
June 1 - June 5
It finally got hot enough out to put in the AC units.
Bachelorette gifts for friends! I got these personalized hangers from Etsy.
Friday night I went to City Bistro to celebrate Jon Fireman's birthday. Meg made cupcakes, and I had my mind blown when I watched Tara eat hers: she twisted the top off and make a cupcake sandwich! Total game changer.
Girls' day in the city! Most important stop: SHAKE SHACK. We tried the UES location. Not the same as the original, but still delicious.
We got a new tree outside our apartment, compliments of Taco Truck! Go here to read more about the program.
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