The Golden Year

I have to admit something: I secretly miss my photo-a-day project. It was a pain in the ass some days, but it gave me a little something each day to work on that wasn't actual work. I've been looking around for something else to focus my energy on.

This year, I celebrate my "Golden Birthday": I'll turn 27 years old on March 27th. In honor of this occasion, I came up with 27 goals to complete by March 27, 2013.

(27 things)
1. read 27 books
2. send 27 postcards
3. drink 27 kinds of beer
4. eat 27 different vegetables
5. eat 27 different fruits
6. take a self-portrait on 27th of every month

(fitness/self improvement)
7. run a 5K
8. do 100 pushups + 200 sit-ups
9. memorize a deck of cards
10. pay off credit cards
11. vote
12. write in a journal every day

13. wear false eyelashes in public
14. find the perfect pair of boots
15. wear a white bikini on a beach

16. go to a live performance (concert, play, symphony, opera, musical, etc)
17. go to a museum
18. go camping
19. get married
20. shoot a gun
21. host a dinner party
22. donate blood

23. make a time capsule
24. homebrew beer
25. make marshmallows
26. make a layer cake
27. post one new recipe to robynette's diner every month

Some of these goals have a little more leeway than others, and some will probably get combined–if I serve homemade marshmallows at a dinner party and write a post about it for Robynete's Diner, that's a triple hit! Some of these goals are already in progress and some will be one-time deals. I'm looking forward to what the year will bring!

1 comment:

  1. I totally support this list, now just gotta go kill it.
