Nov 01 - Nov 05

This photo is terrible due to the low light and the fact that I took it in a mirror covered with dust, but it's a photo I've tried to get a dozen times and it never comes out any better. When I come home from work, Rudy likes to jump on my back and give me a nuzzle. I'm sure what I'm interpreting as true love is really just him saying "Gross, you smell like the outside world. Come here so I can rub my kitty smell all over you so that I can stand to be around you."

One of the last days to catch the sunset on my way home. Now that DST has ended, it's dark by the time I get off the train.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN! (... the movie was filming in Newark.)

Officially at ten inches!! SO EXCITED to chop it off and donate it. I think I'll give it another month but it's definitely getting the axe before Christmas.

Interpretive dance party!

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