Jan 09 - Jan 14

A deceptively simple Asian chicken recipe. Toss some peanut butter, soy sauce, honey, lime juice, and garlic in a ziploc bag with some raw chicken. Marinate for a few hours, then saute until the chicken is cooked through. Top with sesame seeds if you're feeling fancy.

My desk at work. The coffee mug is from a project I worked on at Syngenta during my first few weeks. The letters fade when a hot liquid is inside. It's dorky, but I love it.

The snow coming down.

By the morning, we had seven inches. Not enough to for a snow day, sadly; up here, if the trains are running, you go to work. 

The view from the train in the morning. My ride takes between 15 and 20 minutes, which is perfect. Just long enough to read a magazine or catch up on a book.

Another amazing sunrise. I know they always look better in real life, but I couldn't help trying to capture it. The photo is close, but was 10x better in person.


  1. The B&W picture and the sunset are both stunning. What kind of camera do you use?

  2. I'm using Colin's old Lumix. (http://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-DMC-TZ5K-Digital-Optical-Stabilized/dp/B0011Z8CCG/ref=sr_1_12?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1295191365&sr=1-12) It works for most things, but a lot of the photos go through a ton of post-processing to make them look good. Except for the sunrise - I only had to crop that one!
