Jan 15 - Jan 20

Waiting for the PATH after a night of overpriced beer, underwhelming food, and great company.

My favorite subject. I predict more photos of Rudy than Colin & I combined by the end of the year.

Pizza at Nellie's with Papa Fink and Aunt Naomi. Naomi came down from Vermont for a week's visit, her first in a good many years. We're debating going up to visit her over Valentine's Day Weekend, which in Vershire is also the weekend of this year's Snowshoe-a-thon. It would be awesome, but on the other hand... Vermont in February.

Rudy and I huddled together for warmth. My fur-covered portable personal heating system.

Colin teaching Aunt Naomi how to text. Welcome to the twenty-first century, Omi!

I'm taking a lot of morning photos. By the time I get home from work, it's dark out. It's hard to take photos at night, because I hate using a flash and avoid it as much as possible. But I don't mind the mornings, especially when the sun hits the bathroom window after my shower.

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