Project 365 Twenty-Eleven.

I originally created this blog as a place to post photos from around Hoboken and of my new life as a city girl. I ran out of steam after a week or so. So I decided to jump on the Project 365 bandwagon and take a photo a day for every day in 2011. And in order to stick with this resolution, I needed to be accountable. If no one knew what I was up to, no one would know if I quit.

Enter Kevin.

Poor Kevin. He had a little too much fun on New Year's Eve, and was not happy about being faced with a pint of beer the next day (even at 6 pm). Kevin also likes to take pictures, so we decided to be photo-a-day buddies. As everyone knows, it's easier to go to the gym if you have a gym buddy. We'll remind each other to take our pictures each day, as well as nagging each other to actually do something with the pictures (for me, posting them here). My goal is to post the photos at least twice a month. 

Time to get to it!

1 comment:

  1. Robyn, i did this for 2010 and ended up putting a daily alarm on my phone reminding me to post the pic of the day. As most were posted to fb from my phone, some days the pix were really lame cause they were limited to what was in my visual area. some were more interesting cause i was exposed to something more interesting that day. it was fun. this year i have a daily "just saying" album. more about words than sights.
