Feb 12 - Feb 15

Happy Birthday Dacey and Billy!

Shopping spreeeeeeeeeeeee! It is so much more fun to go shopping when you have a steady paycheck. And also fun to go shopping when it's at the outlet mall. Colin and I were true shopping champions, arriving at 9:45 am and going strong through 5:30 pm. And we even stopped at the Garden State mall on the way home!

Happy Valentine's Day! Feel free to barf.

Tulips. My favorite. This cute boy I know sent them to me at the office. Don't tell Colin.

Feb 08 - Feb 11

Let's play Photo-A-Day at work!

Mondays are my favorite day of the week. Free bagels at work, free catered lunch, and when I get home,  New York Magazine in my mailbox! It's a great commuter magazine and I usually end up reading the whole thing in three trips. I like to save the crossword for last, and yes, I do it in pen.

Sticking with our commuting theme, how cute is this guy carrying his daughter's backpack?

Helmer's. 32 oz beer. It does come in a boot if you request it, but Colin prefers a mug.

Jan 31 - Feb 07

A terrible photo of the last course of a delicious dinner with good friends. Zylo is over-priced and they always talk you into ordering more food than you intended, but damn if we don't keep going back.

Girl with Laser Cat: A Portrait.

Colin prepares for his annual ice-fishing expedition with his uncles. Layering is very important!

Oh hai.

Taking a photo every day is starting to affect me. Little things like the vent on the closet where the water heater is stored start to look interesting.

With Colin out of town freezing his butt off, the girls got together for mani/pedis, dinner, and drinks.

The Empire State Building on Super Bowl Sunday: Packers and Steelers colors.

A close-up of my Saturday manicure. Pink! Can you believe it?

Jan 27 - Jan 29

The after-effects of the snowstorm. Twelve inches of snow = snowman time!

Cross-over episode!

 Mmm bourbon-glazed doughnuts.

Jan 26 vs Jan 26

We decided to head to Willie McBrides for beers and trivia, not letting a little snow get in our way. That is, until three hours later when we turned around to come home. There was nothing short of a blizzard going on.

I snapped a pic of Colin standing in the middle of our street, approximately 10:30pm. Colin prefers the color version, but I like the black and white. What do you think?

Jan 21 - Jan 25

Sometimes the snow can be quite pretty. Note that between the taking of this photo and the posting of it, we've had fifteen more inches of snow and today, half an inch of ice. I don't really love snow anymore.

Saturday, January 22nd, was an awesome night. We started out at Taco Truck, which has not only great food but the most awesome bathrooms in Hoboken. Then we joined Sean and Laura at Duffy's, one of our favorite bars, for a beer and an eternal game of darts. We followed that up with an excursion to the city for Meg's birthday. Drinking at Fiddlesticks continued for a few hours, before we decided to return to Hoboken with Bryan and Ceili. Back on the west side of the Hudson, we hit up Pommes Frites for a late night snack, and ended up back at Duffy's for more beer and darts. We stumbled home at 2 am in a pretty good mood.

And I forgot my camera. So here's us five seconds before we passed out.

Papa Fink's birthday as well as the Jets' last chance for the Super Bowl. The Jets lost, but the cake was good.

A little Martha Stewart moment on the top of our kitchen cabinets.

After having such a good time with the Cascaranos on Saturday, we made a double-date for Tuesday. Oddfellows was having a Restaurant Week special. Of all the RW menus we tried in the past few days, Oddfellows certainly had the most bang for your buck. In addition to my monster "Trio Sampler" entree of crawfish etouffee, shrimp gumbo, and sausage jambalaya, I also had a calamari appetizer and huge slice of chocolate bourbon pecan pie. Needless to say, we did not stop at Pommes Frites on the way home this time.