May 26 - May 31

Little buds on my peace lily plant at work.

Sibling picture time! At Water Street, in Lewiston NY.

Annual summer kickoff party at Richie's friends' house. Complete with deathly steep cliff next to the river below. And despite the fact that everyone is wearing the same thing as the previous photo, I swear this was taken on a different day.

I tried getting some people shots on Sunday, but honestly, trying get 45 people into one photo is too much work. So instead here's a pic of the cake!

New annual pit-stop: Mister Shake, outside of Cooperstown, NY.

Free Mets tickets! Pretty good seats too.

May 21 - May 25

The apocalypse turned out to be a pretty nice day. We accidentally got day drunk, and it all began with burgers at Zack's.

Oh Rudy, you're so Rudy.

You don't realize what a good idea it is to have a spare power adapter until yours up and dies on you, leaving you in a panicked withdrawal for four days.

When it gets hot, these dolphin/seal creature turn into a mini-water park.

A little desk picnic lunch.

May 16 - May 20

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Colin complains that I take more pictures of Rudy than I do of him.

Speaking of Rudy.... or is it Batman?!

Walking along the Hudson on my way home after work.

More Taco Truck! I really try to limit my Taco Truck visits to once every other week, but it's hard!

May 11 - May 15

Post-kickball shenanigans with We Blue Ourselves (plus one sneaky photo-bomber). I don't know what is on my shoulder.


More flower shots.

After spotting four or five girls wearing this color, I bought a bottle for myself. Love it!

Dacey steak. Or should I say Ray/Dacey steak. Delish.


Orange cinnamon rolls. And yes, we made eight rolls for two people. It was worth it!

May 6 - May 10

Happy birthday party, Caitlin!

Happy birthday dinner, Sean!

 Happy Sunday afternoon nap, Rudy!

The fire escape herb garden is coming along.

Peanut butter from the peanut butter machine at work. What, your office doesn't have a peanut butter machine?

May 1 - May 5

A display of creativity during the Hoboken Arts Festival.

One of the perks of working for a publisher (even an online one) is the free books!

I'll take this kind of snow any day. The cold wet stuff? I had more than my fill this winter.

The Taco Truck's first day in Newark!

An unassuming sidewalk garden... until you notice the dinosaurs!

April 27 - April 30

Mini-road trip down to Baltimore/Bethesda to visit Colin's sister and go to a ball game.

Red Sox @ Orioles! Good seats for a good price, and a really nice stadium.

Out to dinner at Persimmon in Bethesda for an early celebration of Caitlin's birthday.

Back home and in the back yard. Rudy is still not so sure about this whole "outdoors" thing.