Jan 05 - Jan 08

New year, new moleskine! This year I went for the new X-Small Daily Planner. It's tiny but thick, and I love it.  Just enough space to jot down a memo or two a day, plus a few lines of reflection. And the Sharpie pen works almost perfectly - there's some bleed through, but nothing too bad, and the tip is nice and fine.

Double yolks! They eventually ended up as scrambled eggs for my dinner. 

 The tunnel under Bryant Park, on our way home from LIC.

Needless to say, Rudy got a bit spoiled at Papa Fink's house over the holidays. As in, two-extra-pounds-spoiled. It's okay, we all packed on a few over vacation, but now Rudy is back in the real world, where there are designated meal times rather than a free-feeding-frenzy. Poor Rudy.

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